December 17, 2023 – Advent, week 3
When Mary believes the word of Angel Gabriel, she does so without fully understanding what will come next; the how and when and where aren’t clear. But she knows God’s promises about the Messiah – and she believes with her whole heart – and life.
Knowing God’s stories and promises is a big part of our life in faith. A great way to remember and experience it more deeply is to retell it in ways that engage our heads, hearts, and hands. Here are a few easy ideas for retelling a Bible story –for kids and adults. (These are especially helpful with stories we think we know so well – like the Christmas texts.)
- Draw There are lots of ways to use art to tell stories: Pick a word from the story and illustrate it. Make a cartoon strip. Sketch pictures of what you’re imagining as the story or text is being read; then compare your thoughts. Assign each person a picture of one part of the story; then put the pictures together and tell the story again.
- Sing Make up a tune (or use one that’s familiar), and turn the story into a song. Or look for a version of the story that’s already been recorded, and learn it together. (Try “Bible story songs” written and recorded by Rain for Roots.)
- Act Use puppets (socks, dolls, or utensils will do!) or yourselves to act out the story. Consider taking photos of each scene and printing them as a book or comic strip. Another fun idea is to assign readers to read the dialog and/or assign sound effects to particular words, and to reread the story together.
- Wonder Ask open-ended questions that have no “right or wrong” answers.
For example:
- I wonder what… (I wonder what Mary thought about the Angel’s visit…? I wonder what you would have thought about…?)
- I wonder how… (I wonder how it felt to tell Joseph the news…? I wonder how this story makes you feel…?)
- I wonder who… (I wonder who the shepherds told first about meeting baby Jesus…? I wonder whom you would have run to tell…?)
- I wonder why… (I wonder why God chose Mary to be Jesus’ mother…? I wonder why God chooses us to be the ones who tell His story …?)
For more great ideas about faith formation and spiritual practices: