March 3, 2024
CONFIDENCE – Luke 18:9-14
1. Luke specifically mentions the audience to whom Jesus directs this parable: “some who trusted in themselves, as though they were righteous, and despised others.” How does trusting in ourselves tend to lead to contempt of others? Does religion tend to help us move away from this, or can it be a trap, for the western church in particular? Why or why not?
2. Name one situation or relationship where you are more likely to trust in yourself, to give yourself the credit for success or strength. If you can’t think of anything, ask someone who knows you well to help you.
3. It’s easier than ever to compare ourselves to others, with people we know, or people in entertainment or social media. What are some results of comparing ourselves to others? Do comparisons generally leave us feeling encouraged, motivated, deflated, discouraged, disliking ourselves or…?
4. How hard is it for me to admit that I am imperfect in many ways, some of which I won’t even see or understand, this side of heaven? Why is it important to see and understand my sinful nature, if I want to embrace Christ’s gift of mercy and salvation?
5. Why does Jesus close his parable with the line: “those who exalt themselves will be humbled and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”? How does choosing humility connect to in whom/in what we place our confidence and trust?
Option: Share one area/situation/relationship where you can see a need to choose humility and ask your group to pray for you this week. If you can’t see this clearly, invite Holy Spirit to open your eyes.