March 17, 2024
Salvation – Luke 19:1-10
- Tax collectors were considered thieves, cheats and the worst kind of traitors to the Jewish people. Who in our world today might be similarly regarded? Is there someone in your life who you see in this light?
- What does the text tell us that makes it seem so unlikely for someone like Zacchaeus to climb a tree? What does this act tell us about Zacchaeus?
- Almost certainly, the local rabbi or other important persons had prepared to host Jesus for dinner. Why was Jesus willing to offend his planned hosts, by going to Zacchaeus’ house? Couldn’t he could have just talked with Zacchaeus?
- When Jesus declared that he would meno at Zacchaeus’ house, using the same word as in John 15, meaning to abide, remain, be with; Zacchaeus responded with a bold declaration. What all did Zacchaeus receive from Jesus in that invitation?
- Have you heard that same invitation from Jesus? Do you hear it today? If so, what is your heart response to this truth? How does it lead you to action? If not, what do you think is keeping you from hearing that Jesus wants to abide, remain, be with you?
- Pray in partners, for the receiving of this message of salvation, every day…as well as the whole-hearted response that overflows, when I believe that Christ wants to abide, remain, be with…me…and others.