April 28, 2024
Small Group Questions
1. When have you experienced a significant transformation in your life? Something obvious, like preparing for a marathon…or something no one else might notice, like changing a bad habit? What enabled that transformation to take place?
2. Read Romans 12 1-2, from the The Message, aloud. Who can you think of (in history, or in your life) whose life has been placed before God in such a way as to yield results you can see? What might this look like for you, practically-speaking?
3. The three steps outlined in the sermon were 1) Repent 2) Receive and 3) Be transformed. Which of these three steps is most challenging for you? Why? How might your community support you in moving to action in one area – one next step?
4. What is one thing in the article (found in the Saturday email) that resonated or challenged you about the Holy Spirit?