May 12, 2024
Small Group Questions
1.Koinonia is a Greek word that is often translated as fellowship or communion, but in fact emphasizes the interconnectedness and unity of believers, transcending individualism and promoting a sense of belonging and mutual care within the Christian community. How is koinonia expressed in Acts 2? How do you see koinonia expressed at SPC?
2. A billion people in our world live on less than $1 a day, and 24,000 people die each day of hunger, according to the UN. If we are followers of Christ, this reality should be influencing the way we live. How do you live out Christ’s call to love those in need? What gets in the way of regularly expressing solidarity with our brothers and sisters in poverty?
3. To offer love and fellowship without agenda is not something we see very often. It requires the supernatural love of God – God’s Spirit – in us. Can you think of an example of this kind of love and care – either personally, or in the news?
4. How might God be inviting you and/or your community into koinonia through a new practice or in other ways?