May 26, 2024

Small Group Questions

1. What words/experiences come to mind when you think of the word “worship”? As you compare your thoughts with others, what generally do we include in the definition of worship? What do we exclude? Why?

2. What are 3-4 things in your life to which you “ascribe worth,” things that get most of your time/thought/life/energy/effort in a given day? Are these things that you want to be worshipping? Why or why not?

3. In the excerpt from “The Dangerous Act of Worship,” Labberton asserts the gospel recontextualizes where we live – it is constantly giving us a new address, a new home, a new place from which to see the world. How has being a follower of Christ changed your location/perspective this month? Where might you feel Holy Spirit pressing for a new location?

4. What is one way you want to invite worship of the living God to expand its influence with your neighbors, coworkers or other people in your life? Invite at least one other person to provide support and accountability, and pray with you.

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