June 2, 2024
Small Group Questions
1. Have you ever had to move to a new state, new city, new school, new neighborhood…and you didn’t want to? How did it change/impact you? How did you see God at work in you/your life, through that transition?
2. Do you agree that our God is a “sending God?” Why or why not? What are some examples/stories from scripture that support your position?
3. If God is calling the people of SPC to be sent people, what might that look like? Imagine some of the possible impact across the Eastside, if each one of us was focused 100% on God’s invitation to be sent – what could happen?
4. Spend some time in prayer. You may need to ask God to change your heart about being sent…or for a next step towards living out this calling. Talk to God about what this might look like for you, your small group, and/or your family.