July 21, 2024
Practicing the Way
Going Deeper for Individuals and Small Group Questions
This week’s reading: Goal #2: Become like him p. 101-110
Digital Readers: A Working Theory of Change through #3 Our Community
Formation Audit available below for download on “Church Online” page, under Going Deeper
Because we are all currently being formed in many ways, we strongly encourage individuals and small groups to make time to work through the Formation Audit. As a group or with a partner, talk through what you are seeing and learning as you do.
1. What comes into your mind, when you think about God? What images, words, feelings, stories come up for you?
2. Comer writes, “Spiritual Formation in the way of Jesus begins with the healing of our false images of God”…what images of God might be false or flawed in your mind and need healing truth?
3. If practicing the ways of Jesus is more about training than trying…how might my approach to my faith need to shift? What kind of goal-setting, space-making, training program might be necessary?
4. Comer invites us to consider whether or not our faith community calls people up to a higher level of apprenticeship. What are the marks of a church community that is calling people into a higher level of maturity? What might this look like at SPC?
Formation Audit: Formation_Audit_PTW.pdf