August 4, 2024
Practicing the Way
Going Deeper for Individuals and Small Group Questions
This week’s reading: p.120-133 Hospitality
1. How were meals integrated into your family life growing up? Were meals a place where people connected, were welcomed, lingered? Were they fancy or stilted, conflicted or celebrated?
2. If hospitality is making space for the gospel…where might Holy Spirit be encouraging you to make space in your life? Where have you felt a nudge to slow down, to invest, to listen?
3. What gets in the way of making space for the gospel? What excuses do we give – real or not – to avoid it?
4. “Those who live out radically ordinary hospitality see their homes not as theirs at all but as God’s gift to use for the furtherance of his kingdom.” Have you experienced this kind of hospitality? If so, what was it like? It not, what do you imagine it could look like in Sammamish today?