April 18, 2021 Study Notes
- What do you know about your family name? How much is the history of your name a part of your family story?
- “See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and that is what we are” (I John 3:1). How easy has it been for you to accept that you are God’s child? What does it imply about God? What does this mean for our self-image? How have you experienced God’s lavish love this week?
- One thing that is clear from this text—Sin is absolutely counter to life in God. In fact, John indicates that to sin–to live in disobedience–is the opposite of our very identity. It mars our family identity. How have you thought about the idea of sin in your life? Since none of us are perfect and all of us fall short, how have you seen sin draw you away from your God given identity?
- Christian musician Rich Mullins once said, “Closeness to God is not about feelings. It’s about obedience.” Think of an example where your obedience to God drew you closer to the Almighty One? How might you grow in your obedience to God going forward this month, as we seek to live into our God given identity as God’s children?