April 25, 2021 Study Notes
- What was the turning point for you in terms of hearing “God’s voice” and responding?
- How do you discern the voice of the Good Shepherd from all the other voices that vie for your attention?
- “I’ve got a Good Shepherd; you’ve got a sadistic dentist”, Dr. Amy-Jill Levine once said, hilariously. How does it make you feel to think of God caring for you as the Good Shepherd? How does it affect your understand when it feels like God is “sheering” you?
- Jesus talks here about “other sheep” in his sheep pen (vs. 16). Who do you think Jesus is talking about here? What does it do to us to recognize there are other sheep besides ourselves in God’s pen?
- Read the Heidelberg Catechism, Question Number 1 here. How might this truth, change your life? What might you do today to remind yourself that you belong body and soul to the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ?