December 17, 2023 – Advent, week 3

When Mary believes the word of Angel Gabriel, she does so without fully understanding what will come next; the how and when and where aren’t clear. But she knows God’s promises about the Messiah – and she believes with her whole heart – and life.

Knowing God’s stories and promises is a big part of our life in faith. A great way to remember and experience it more deeply is to retell it in ways that engage our heads, hearts, and hands. Here are a few easy ideas for retelling a Bible story –for kids and adults. (These are especially helpful with stories we think we know so well – like the Christmas texts.)

  1. Draw There are lots of ways to use art to tell stories: Pick a word from the story and illustrate it. Make a cartoon strip. Sketch pictures of what you’re imagining as the story or text is being read; then compare your thoughts. Assign each person a picture of one part of the story; then put the pictures together and tell the story again.
  2. Sing Make up a tune (or use one that’s familiar), and turn the story into a song. Or look for a version of the story that’s already been recorded, and learn it together. (Try “Bible story songs” written and recorded by Rain for Roots.)
  3. Act Use puppets (socks, dolls, or utensils will do!) or yourselves to act out the story. Consider taking photos of each scene and printing them as a book or comic strip. Another fun idea is to assign readers to read the dialog and/or assign sound effects to particular words, and to reread the story together.
  4. Wonder Ask open-ended questions that have no “right or wrong” answers.

For example:

  • I wonder what… (I wonder what Mary thought about the Angel’s visit…? I wonder what you would have thought about…?)
  • I wonder how… (I wonder how it felt to tell Joseph the news…? I wonder how this story makes you feel…?)
  • I wonder who… (I wonder who the shepherds told first about meeting baby Jesus…? I wonder whom you would have run to tell…?)
  • I wonder why… (I wonder why God chose Mary to be Jesus’ mother…? I wonder why God chooses us to be the ones who tell His story …?)

For more great ideas about faith formation and spiritual practices:

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