February 18, 2024
RELATIONSHIP – Luke 13:22-30
1. Have you ever been invited into a club or included in group where you felt like you were “on the inside?” Or, conversely, have you ever been excluded from somewhere you wanted to go or people you wanted to be with? What do you notice about either experience?
2. In our pluralistic culture, many people believe that any path someone chooses is equally legitimate. When Jesus tells his disciples to “Make every effort to enter through the narrow door,” what is he calling them (and us) into?
3. While Jesus says that many will try to enter the narrow door and will not be able to, he also says that people will come from east and west and north and south to take their places at the feast in the Kingdom of God. Who do you think Jesus is talking about in each image and what is his point.
4. How does our understanding of the “narrow door” impact our primary call (as individuals and as a community) to go and make disciples, living lives that proclaim Christ’s freedom, healing and forgiveness, to those who are perishing?
5. How are you going to make “every effort” to get to know Jesus on a deeper level this week? Ask one person in your small group to pray for you specifically, this week, and check back with one another next week.