January 28, 2024
Abide in Me: Rest
As Christians, we believe that our forgiveness & salvation is achieved through God’s work, but the daily work of living the Christian life…? That, we believe, is our work. And, seeing all the ways we fail in that work, we pray for help. But the burden, we believe, remains squarely upon our shoulders. What might it look like, for us to live day in and day out, with the burden, the work, the effort NOT on us, but rather something we can share, release, even expect God to shoulder?
The Palms Down – Palms Up Prayer rhythm can help us to practice living an unburdened life, one moment at a time.
Palms Down: Sit in a comfortable position, not rigid or slouched. Invite God’s presence. Place your hands, palms facing down, on your legs. With this ‘palms down’ posture, you are saying you want to ‘hand over’ your requests to God. As you sit before the Lord, begin to name any worries or anxieties you may have about the day ahead. Speak your concerns aloud, if possible. Try not to pray what you think God wants to hear, but what is inside you.
Name whatever is weighing on you before God and imagine releasing it to God’s care. Picture God’s hands under your hands, receiving those things you are letting go of. As you engage with the presence of God, notice any sensation in your body or spirit – perhaps a sense of relief or release – as you realize that God will not let you down. Give yourself time to really release your worries, and consider what it means to have God doing the work.
Palms Up: After time in silence, turn your hands over, palms facing up, the backs of your hands resting on your legs. As you do, ask Jesus for those things we are promised, when we abide. In God’s presence, we have God’s peace, courage, insight, or His direct action – in place of the anxiety, anticipation, unease or responsibilities that you have released to the Lord, only moments before. If you aren’t feeling the release, you may need to affirm the truth of God’s promises and claim them! Then, rest in this divine exchange, receiving fresh peace, presence and power in place of the natural concerns and requests. Be open to receiving a particular promise from scripture, a sense of direction or an impression in your imagination, concerning what you have laid before God.
Rest: Finally, remain a few more moments without asking for anything. Simply rest in His love, and as you have handed your petitions to God remember He has still got the whole world in His hands. Believe that God is loving you in these moments and allow His presence to be more than enough.
Journal about this experience and talk to a friend who has also tried this exercise, and explore what worked and what didn’t – and why. True Spiritual growth takes time and intention, so don’t give up!
“My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest” Exodus 33:14