July 14, 2024

Practicing the Way

Going Deeper for Individuals and Small Group Questions

This week’s reading: Goal #2: Become like him p.81-101
Digital Readers:  No Accidental Saints through #3 Our Relationships
Formation Audit available below for download on “Church Online” page, under Going Deeper

Because we are all currently being formed in many ways, we strongly encourage individuals and small groups to make time to work through the Formation Audit. As a group or with a partner, talk through what you are seeing and learning as you reflect on what is forming you.

1. We become like the people we love and do life with, writes Comer. Name a few people who are forming you, at this stage of your life?

2. How would you describe the Christian path to spiritual maturity? What do you think of the way Comer highlights in the book? (Hagberg & Guelich’s “The Critical Journey” on p.82). Where do you see yourself on this path?

3. How did you learn about sin, as you grew up? Was it something your family/community discussed…or ignored? Were the three dimensions of sin equally taught/discussed? (sin done by us, to us and around us – p. 90-93)

4. Jesus taught that we cannot keep the law by trying not to break it; we cannot become more loving by trying to become more loving, no matter how hard we try. If willpower is a losing strategy…what is our path to success?

Formation Audit: Formation_Audit_PTW.pdf

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