July 28, 2024

Practicing the Way

Going Deeper for Individuals and Small Group Questions

This week’s reading: Goal #2: Become like him p. 110-117
Digital Readers:  #4 The Holy Spirit through Terrible, Wonderful News
Formation Audit available for download here: Formation_Audit_PTW.pdf

Because we are all currently being formed in many ways, we strongly encourage individuals and small groups to make time to work through the Formation Audit. As a group or with a partner, consider the impact of your results, and talk about what you might want to change.

1. What images/words come to mind when you consider Holy Spirit? Can you point to a time in your life where you suspect, or can see clearly now, that Holy Spirit was your teacher, comforter, guide or course of power?

2. Growing up, how did you begin to understand the cause of evil and suffering in our world? Have your beliefs been reshaped over the years?

3. Comer writes, “The very things we run from, avoid at all costs, dread, medicate, and deny…hold the secret to our liberation.” Do you believe this to be true? If so, how does this belief change your experience/understanding of pain/suffering? If not, why not?

4. If you are willing, share about one experience of suffering that opened You up to the transformation of Christ. How did this experience impact your faith? Has it changed how you enter into times of pain/loss/suffering?

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