July 7, 2024
Practicing the Way
Going Deeper for Individuals and Small Group Questions
This week’s reading in Practicing the Way: Goal #2: Become like him p.66-80
Digital Readers: Goal #2: Become like him through “In Christ”
Formation Audit available for download below
1.Benedictine monks were trained to remind themselves, daily, that they were going to die. What purpose did this serve? Why do you think we lean so far away from continual awareness of our mortality, today?
2. David Brooks wrote about desired virtues during our lives (resume virtues) and the virtues ascribed to us by others, after we die (eulogy virtues). Is this a helpful frame for you, when thinking about who you are becoming? Why or why not?
3. Do you believe that the Bible has an answer for every problem, every question, every situation? That God’s Word is powerful enough to form us in EVERY part of our lives – relationships, work, change, aspirations, doubts, questions, politics…? Why or why not? How might this impact our expectations of formation?
4. Comer writes, “Jesus’ invitation to apprentice under him isn’t just a chance to become people of love…it’s a chance to enter the inner life of Godself.” How does this invitation strike you? (Does it seem unrealistic, impossible, or improbable? Is it something you’ve experienced, long to experience, or wish for?) What might it look like, to enter the inner life of Godself?
Formation Audit: Formation_Audit_PTW.pdf