June 16, 2024

Practicing the Way

Going Deeper for Individuals and Small Group Questions

Reading for this week: Pages 1-31 Apprentice to Jesus

1. Did you or someone you know do an internship, or work in an apprentice-like context while training for your vocation or learning a job? How does that compare to the apprenticeship we see with the disciples and Jesus?

2. What is your understanding of what is required to become a follower of Jesus, and thus, to be admitted to life eternal? Talk about how you have heard and understood the process of “being saved.” Is it different than being an apprentice to Christ?

3. Jesus’ invitation to new life is open to anyone who will pick up their cross and follow him. What barriers, if any, exist in our Sunday morning experience that make it difficult for anyone to show up, experience welcome, and learn more about Christ…from us?

4. Jesus believes in you – that you can live the life of an apprentice. The yoke is not for one, but for two. Christ is there to lead, to walk with you. Do you believe this is true? How could Christ’s faith in you, Christ’s presence with you radically empower you, to be reordering your life around Christ?

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