June 20, 2021 Study Notes
- What do you recall about hearing/seeing the David & Goliath story from childhood? If you heard it in Sunday School, how was it presented? Did you like it/dislike it? Why? If you didn’t grow up in church, how did you come across it – or did you?
- What are some giants that appear regularly in our culture? Our community? Our families?
- Out of the three giants in this story, which one is most troublesome, or most difficult to fight, in your life? The giant of “status quo” or “we’ve always done it this way” … the giant of “seeing is believing” or “believing the seen over the unseen” … or the giant of “being someone who I’m not, due to circumstances, finances, expectations, etc” or “allowing others to decide my identity”. Do others in your group agree with your assessment?
- Looking back over this past year, what is one way that God has been faithful, walked alongside you, or saved you in a meaningful way? How does that story inform your present faith and hope?
Spiritual Practice Assignment: Take some time in a quiet place to write out a timeline, or arrange in some way a history of your life – major events, or just year by year. Mark and describe those times, big and little, when God showed up in saving ways. Keep this where you can see it, and allow it to shape your present faith and identity, as well as your hope in the future.