June 23, 2024
Practicing the Way
Going Deeper for Individuals and Small Group Questions
Reading for this week: Pages 34-59 Be With Him
1. Who is someone you’ve spent a lot of time with, who has had a significant impact, influence in your life – for good or ill? Talk about how that relationship reshaped you over time.
2. When do you have space to think, wonder, dream? Where does your mind go when you have time/space to let it wander?
3. “Contemplative prayer,” writes John Mark Comer, “isn’t looking to get anything from God; it’s just looking at God.” How is this definition similar/different from what you understood/understand prayer to be? What is appealing/challenging about this view of prayer?
4. Do you have a secret place to pray? If so, where? If not, where might you find one? What might this open up for you? What gets in the way of finding a secret place and using it?
5. What is one way this week you could make space (even a few mins) for time with God? Ask someone to check in with you next week to see how it went – making a new habit is always easier when we use the community to help us.