March 21, 2021 – Study Notes

  1. Everyone reacts to change in different ways–Some embrace it, some put up with it, some run away from it kicking and screaming. Where are you on that continuum? What is it about change that affects you the way it does?
  2. When talking about his upcoming death, Jesus said several times that his time “had not yet come” (John 2:4; 7, 6:30). But now after the Greeks came to see him, his tune changed. What do you think it was about their request in particular that made Jesus change?
  3. “We wish to see Jesus,” the Greek visitors ask. All of us as Jesus’ disciples are being asked that question all the time, whether we know it or not. Looking back and taking account on this week, what did you do to show others Jesus? What did you do to hide his image?
  4. In your life, where is Jesus calling you to “die” so that you might “live?” What do you tend to hold on to rather than follow Jesus?
  5. Fuller Professor and Presbyterian Pastor, Tod Bolsinger, says, “By intentionally leaning into loss, embracing loss, and even understanding that it is in facing the necessary losses for the desired change…the transformation process begins.” Take some time to think about and even verbalize your losses this year. How might these losses be planted in God’s ground to grow new fruit in your life?


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