May 19, 2024

Small Group Questions

1.  Scripture says that the disciples made every meal an exuberant and joyful celebration. When is the last time you had a joyful and exuberant meal of celebration? What was it for and how did it impact you? What might it look like to live this out more regularly as a discipline, in our community – focusing on all that God is doing in us and in the world?

2. If you could design a church as a “go structure” instead of a “come structure” – what might this look like? Be radically creative – would it be in a building? How would it function? How might this fluidity help, and what might be challenging about it?

3. John Stott writes: “People have to see with their own eyes that the gospel we preach has transformed us.” Talk about a time when you saw evidence of this God-transformation in someone else’s life. How did it impact you?

4. Healthy small groups have something of “in, out and with” in their makeup. In – Learning about Christ, out – serving the world, with – knowing/caring for one another. Talk about how your small group is functioning in each category. What is your place of strength? Where do you need to grow? Pray about next steps together.

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