November 12, 2023 Sermon Questions
John 10: The Good Shepherd
- In this chapter, John is suggesting a number of ways that the natural world reflects the spiritual world (shepherd, door, thief, steal, etc). What does it mean that Jesus is the Good Shepherd and also the Door to the the sheep? Why is that important to understand?
- Who is the thief? Why does Jesus explain that the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy – in that order – why kill and then destroy? How does this apply to our lives as believers and followers of Christ? Is it difficult for you to believe literally in an enemy or satan/adversary? Why or why not?
- Jesus talks about how he lays his life down of his own free will, and that he has the power to take it back up again. What is the significance of this for us, as we imitate Christ and shape our goals, priorities and whole life around the life of Christ?
- What are some ways that you can practice laying down your life? Another way to say it: how can we practice living the reality that we are each dead to this life, and alive to Christ? What might it mean to be dead to this world, as we get up each day and engage in our relationships, decisions and plans for the future?