Elijah spends a lot of his life in solitude, away from people. In our culture, it’s difficult to get away from the noise and busyness of our world, even if we are alone much of the time. What role does solitude play in your own life of faith? Have you ever practiced solitude as one of the spiritual disciplines? Why or why not?
The known world is in the grip of a drought at the start of this story. Have you ever been to a country affected by drought, either in the present or as part of its past? How might that kind of food/drink scarcity and fragile future impact someone living there?
Elijah meets the widow when he is in a depleted state – emotionally, physically, spiritually. Can you recall a time when your needs were high and your energy/strength/hope was low? What helped you navigate this time?
God uses ravens (unclean birds) and a widow in the heart of Baal country to help Elijah in his time of need. As a prophet zealous for the Lord against the mainstream, God uses unexpected people from the margins to help Elijah. Think about a time when God provided you with help or support from a surprising source; how did this broaden your understanding of the world and of God? How can God’s help come unexpectedly?