October 22, 2023 Sermon Questions
1. What has motivated you to learn something new? What are the things that keep you from being teachable?
2. What doubts did the crowds have about Jesus (e.g. John 7:5,12,15,20,26,31,41)? What can we learn from how Jesus responded to them?
3. What do we learn from Jesus in this chapter about facing opposition?
4. Reread Jesus invitation and promise in John 7:37-38. Practically how does this apply to your life? How does it apply to someone you are encouraging to believe?
Close in Prayer:
· Thank God for giving us the opportunity to believe Jesus and in doing so discover more of who He is.
· Ask God to help us and others be open to how Holy Spirit moves in our lives.
· Pray for one another’s interactions with people how have doubts about Jesus.