September 12, 2021 Study Notes

  1. Have you ever been mistaken for someone else? Who was it and what was that experience like?
  2. Jesus’ conversation with his disciples shows many different responses to who people thought Jesus was. If we were to ask our world who Jesus is today, what do you think they would say?
  3. The title “Christ” is not used for Jesus in Mark’s Gospel since chapter 1, verse 1, yet the disciples are the ones who correctly proclaim who he is. What is it about them that made the difference in their ability to do so? What can we learn from their example?
  4. This question marks the theological turning point of Mark’s Gospel and is the question every one of us must answer. If you are a Christian, what caused you to answer Jesus’ question, Who do you say that I am?” like Peter did? If you are not a Christian, what stands in your way?


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